Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson for 2016 Presidential Run?

Dr. Ben Carson, a pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, has resounded emphatically with common sense, arousing conservatives everywhere. In multiple forums, he has expressed the onerous, distrastrous consequences of Obamacare. He has proposed common-sense alternatives like a cradle-to-grave pre-tax health savings account. Dr. Carson has recently been a voice of the sane and he should be commended and rewarded for speaking the truth to the masses.

This man has GUTS! He said all of this, standing right next to you-know-who.

Can any true conservative give me any reasons why Dr. Carson shouldn't be encouraged to run for President in 2016? I cannot name one. He is undoubtedly educated, intelligent, accomplished, and sees the big pictures of economics and promoting environments of general welfare. Most of all, he really seems to understand true compassion, not the coercion that the left uses all too often.

I wonder how long it will take for the progressives to start calling him Uncle Tom Carson. I will be among the first in line to sign his petition should he choose to run for office.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What Conservatives Need to Do to Win Elections

In an effort to regain a spirit of capitalism and protecting our freedom, I am returning to this fairly dormant site to try to make my country a better place... A place it once was before socialists, communists, and other progressive influences flushed it down a spiraling drain that it may never climb back out of.

Due to recent elections, I have reflected on the mindset of the American left, tactics they've used, the demise of the Republican Party, and how the messaging, unity, and tactics of the Republican Party have proven to be utterly impotent.

What can conservatives learn from the left?

1. Party affiliation is of relatively little importance.
The progressives have managed to infiltrate both parties.

2. It's okay to be covert and/or clandestine. If clandestine and covert actions are acceptable for causes involving winning battles and even wars, don't you think it's just as important, or even more important to use some of these tactics to influence the outcomes of the elections of the leaders who drag us in and out of war? Let that one steep for a while.

3. The primaries matter in their outcome, but not to the voter when they cast the ballot. Does the name Alvin Greene sound familiar? He won the Democrat primary in South Carolina, only to be taken to the woodshed by his Republican opponent, Sen. Jim DeMint. He won his primary simply because his name sounded like some famous singer, Al Green. Has Congressman Hank Johnson had any primary challengers lately? That race should be an easy win for anyone willing to challenge him... Then again... His district is senseless enough to keep electing and re-electing him.

4. Conservatives can use choice architecture in the same manner that the progressives have used for decades and possibly even centuries. Who's to say that a conservative cant run in a Democrat primary? Or for true choice architecture, put TWO conservatives up for ballot against each other in a Democrat primary? Either way, a conservative will win, and then when the drones mark the "D" come general Election Day without knowing anything about the candidates, a conservative can be installed... Even if under the radar. This tactic will require coordinated planning, strategic positioning of candidates in districts where they can be snuck in, and, depending on the situation, senseless battering by the CONSERVATIVE media to get the Dems to elect the individual out of spite to the conservative media. This is an extension of #2 in this article.

Whatever the tactic or tactics chosen, one thing's for sure... The conservative movement needs to open-minded enough to change course from the same-old-same-old that has put us in the predicament we are in today... thank you, Karl Rove and Anne Coulter. Gov. Chris Christie would make a better liberal than he would a conservative, so stop promoting him as a conservative, you two.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cleveland, Indianapolis

Cleveland, you have Dennis, who will vote yes on healthcare just for the a ride on the 747... as one commenter aptly put it, something like "imagine what he would vote for if he received an all-day pass to Cedar Point, not just one ride." And of course, Indiana has Andre... a devout Muslim... So much for trying to change that vote on healthcare. He will be on O's side 100% and encourage the destruction of our nation, either by Muslim nations, or at the hand of our own government. Andre, your days in office are numbered. They will be coming to an end come November, then January.

Texas, stand your ground. I may be joining you soon.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Israel, Health Care

Why are we abandoning our strongest ally? Because our national leadership doesn't want Israel to be our ally any longer. It is now plain and clear that Barry is on the side of the jihadist, the socialist, and the communist. He does not stand for freedom. He does not stand for Christianity and liberty that makes our nation strong.

And health care legislation is not about health care at all. It is a power grab. What about the little piece of that bill that provides that government will take over all student loans... so... that conversation will go something like...

"Oh, so you're going to such and such conservative school? Sorry, we only loan to students who will be attending liberal colleges..."

Pro-life Democrats... stick to your guns so we don't have to go get ours when the nation begins collapsing (maybe too late).

Israel, the people of America pray for your safety. Americans can apologize for their leadership now... but still not for the American people. However, we do apologize on behalf of those who elected this spawn of satan to be our national leader.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Gun Bills, Eli Lilly

Congrats to Hoosiers on the passing of both HB 1065 and HB 1068. Except if you work at Eli Lilly and a few other places. Yes, ladies and gents, Mitch Daniels and Starbucks Coffee cares more about the safety of Indiana residents and Lilly workforce members more than John Lechleiter, who managed to get an Anti-Terrorism exemption thrown into HB 1065 at the last minute. Do you know what Israel has done to combat terrorism? That's right... guns in schools. It really does work. When will he learn? Never, I guess.

Here is a book that explains why Lechleiter should change Lilly's draconian, pro-criminal and pro-terrorism policy.

Kennesaw, GA is also a good example of good gun laws that have benefitted everyone who the law affects.

I propose that for 2011 session, Indiana residents should fight like hell to get Castle Doctrine expanded to include the workplace.

Here's to you, Kennesaw.